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LEGO SERIOUS PLAY SENSE Training House Team Building Strategic Planning Design Thinking Change Management

It is Our Job to Help You

Our Approach

Our Edge

  • STH is passionate and pro-active in meeting client needs. On top of your training requests, we also strive to deliver solutions that meet the underlying needs of your problems. 


  • STH treasures open communication with our clients from the initial to closing moments of any training event and beyond. From the initial discussion of the problem and solutions, to the customized preparation and pre-training briefings, we ensure that your needs are being met.


  • STH recognizes the importance of innovation and our programs reflect this in their customizability and use of technology. For example, we incorporate social media and mobile connectivity in our programs to engage participant attention.


  • STH respects the power of DATA in building progress. The training industry abuses Likert scale questions in a way that is unrepresentative and statistically unsound. Our training analyses take into account statistical soundness and follow rules such as using non-parametric tests on non-normally distributed data. You can trust our post-op evaluation numbers to be statistically significant. 


  • STH has a strong network based on their partnerships with social work agencies in Hong Kong, Greater China and in Asia Pacific allowing us to provide overseas training without great difficulty. 

Any questions or thoughts?

We are always happy to help out!

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